Boots on the ground

Ready to be the hands & feet?

Rives, TN Flood

Donate or volunteer to help the victims of the Obion River flood in Rives. View Options

Are you a flood victim? Fill out this form for help!

who are the hands & feet?

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

-1 Corinthians 12:27

Responding to a disaster isn’t a one-man job. It takes many different people with many different skill-sets and abilities.

You are needed.

Whether you serve as the hands, the feet, or the elbows- you have a purpose and people are counting on you to use the gifts entrusted to you.

Where Can You Help?

Select the location you want to learn more about.

Rives, TN Flood
Bradford, TN Tornado
East TN/KY Flood
WNC Hurricane Helene

Fundraisers & Donation Requests

Support a specific fundraiser and view donation lists.

Donation & Shelter Sites

Find out where you can leave physical donations and where people are being sheltered.

Volunteer Opportunities

Fill out the volunteer information form.

Share your insights
Do you have information to share?

Email [email protected] with new donation drop off locations, volunteer opportunities, list of needs, etc.

Response by area

View Information for Each Affected Area

Tips for Effective Disaster Response

Here are a few simple ideas for making disaster relief go a little more smoothly.

  • Donate items that were asked for by affected individuals or organizations. Avoid bringing broken and unusable items.
  • Don’t assume that “someone else is taking care of it”. If you see a need, meet it.
  • Wait until emergency crews have finished search & rescue before entering an affected area. You don’t want to be in their way.
  • If you are a Christian, pause, pray, and plant a seed with the people you are assisting.
Be Smart, Be Thoughtful, Be Efficient
Photo: Jacob Fulbright

Organizations We Recommend

Not every relief organization truly puts the needs of the people first. Here are the ones that I recommend working with or donating to:

  • Samaritan’s Purse
  • Convoy of Hope
  • Savage Freedoms Relief Ops (WNC)
  • Hope for Homesteaders
  • The Bridge Ministries / Refuge Church (NWTN)

Ready to get to work?

Let’s get to it! Donate, sign up to volunteer, join a meal train, and start praying for the people who are displaced & hurting.

Give financially or donate requested items.

When everything is lost…

there is still hope. And part of that hope is found in the generosity of people like you who can help affected families get back on their feet.

You can choose to give a monetary donation that will be used to help an individual or family in the best way possible OR you can donate items off of the request lists.

Many hands make light work.

Join hands with others who are helping to clean up, muck out, and rebuild. Let’s work together to get people back into their homes.

Give your time to help people recover and rebuild.

Do you need help with cleanup, rebuilding, and reparing your damaged home?

Do you want to volunteer in the process of cleanup, repairing, and rebuilding these homes?