What is the Purpose of Hands & Feet Disaster Relief?

Hands and Feet compiles collections of important disaster relief information for current and ongoing responses.

What is it?
Hands & Feet is a collection of important disaster relief information for current & ongoing responses.
Photo: Jessica Quinn of Hands & Feet Disaster Relief with Will Carpenter of Savage Freedoms Relief Ops


Hands and Feet Disaster Relief organizes teams to aid in recovery efforts, all while sharing the Gospel to both volunteers and survivors. Our compiled lists of important
needs and information help the teams and supporters target the exact needs of the affected families and communities.

Who We Are

Jessica, the founder of Hands and Feet, has a lifelong, zealous heart for relief work. Her experiences include leading a team to Joplin, MO, after a devastating tornado and team building and leading during the Hurricane Helene recovery in Swannanoa, North Carolina were key in developing the Hands and Feet mission.

These two experiences, plus several others over the past years, pointed to a need for better communication between individuals and organizations. Hands and Feet was created to help reduce miscommunication, keeping all pertinent information in one place.

Organizations, volunteers and affected individuals can easily access and add to the information, using the forms on the website.

Our calling is to help everyone work as one body to support one another and glorify God.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. -1 Corinthans 12:27

Ready to Be the Hands & Feet?

Join the response
Put your boots on the ground.

Do you need help with cleanup, rebuilding, and reparing your damaged home?

Do you want to volunteer in the process of cleanup, repairing, and rebuilding these homes?